China whiskey stone Metal Straw Tong Whiskey ice cube stones in a Brown wooden Box Manufacturers and Suppliers | Shunstone

whiskey stone Metal Straw Tong Whiskey ice cube stones in a Brown wooden Box

Pondok Description:

Ngandung: wiski batu + logam jarami + kotak kai + silicone ngajaga + tong + buludru kantong 

Chilling Your drink with our whiskey Stones

Drink by Metal Stainless Steel Straw ( LOGO is ok to engraved )

Enjoy Any Drink it will works

Great Gifts to Company , Business gift

Perfect gifts to Family ,  Whiskey Lover gift

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Whiskey stone is a kind of bar and high-grade drinking utensil for household use. The original design was used to freeze whiskey. Because ice melts and dilutes, people use “whiskey stone” instead of ice. Before drinking, they first put whisky stone in the freezer, then put it in the glass and pour it into the whiskey, which will be protected. Keep the original flavor of the juice and lower the temperature to bring a cool taste.Apart from whiskey,whisky stone can be put in other spirits, cocktails, drinks and herbal tea.Ice tartar has the advantages of non-melting, reusable, non-diluting flavor, fast freezing speed, ready-to-use and so on.

Perkenalan produk: 

SHUNSTONE desain sorangan, NO nyalin, batu wiski nu bisa tetep maranéhna tiis tapi masih saeutik kasar sabudeureun edges (ngan kawas palayan bar kidul alus), wiski Stones chilling ieu bakal tetep wiski Anjeun tiis lila sanggeus éta sip munggaran. Motong tina sagala-alam soapstone, tilu batu ieu anu papasangan sampurna pikeun favorit anjeun tuang.

1.Cool gagasan, kado tiis.

2.Bring a chill mellow kana inuman nu.

wiski 3.Chill jeung jin tanpa dilutions, teu cai, teu smelt.

Batu 4.The lemes tur edges anu rounded, ngahulag scratching.

5.The batu sunda "t nambahkeun rasa naon atanapi bau.

Ukuran Batu:

2 * 2 * 2cm

Box Ukuran:

12,5 * 14 * 3.5m



Batu Bahan:

Basalt / soapstone / marmer / granit / batu alam


9 X wiski batu

kotak kai 1 x coklat

1x kantong buludru hideung

1x tong

4 x jarami stainless steel

How to Use : 

1. Mangga ngumbah aranjeunna saméméh ngagunakeun.

2. Pasang batu kana pouch saméméh putting kana freezer nu.

3. Saatos 4 (atawa leuwih) jam, dicokot kaluar jeung tempat batu kana gelas.

4. Nyeuseuh deui sarta tetep kana freezer nu.


  • Saméméhna:
  • Hareup:

  • The Cipondoh, Tangerang Seni & Karajinan anu populér pikeun Bar, Imah, Hotel, Rumah Makan & Company.

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    Ngaropéa & Kado Unik Desain 

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